Looking for a Place to Worship?
Celebrate salvation in worship each Sunday with a traditional service, a Kid-Friendly Worship service, and a monthly service led by the Spirit Alive Ensemble.
Do you believe that God speaks to us for today through scripture, the Word of God? The Bible is our beginning point also.
We encourage small children, young adults, parents, adults, and seniors to actively participate in worship. Everyone has gifts and contributions to share. Learn how to bless others!
Feeling the Desire to Serve?
There are many in the world hurting and in need. We do what we can to help. Many service activities are available at Good Shepherd, including helping with the Karing for Kids – Hazelwood Homeless Project, making Mats for the Homeless, School Supplies and Backpack collection for back-to-school, food collected monthly, regularly raising funds for T.E.A.M. and PAKT, and more. Our friends and neighbors are encouraged to lend a hand as much as they like.
You do not need to be a member here to fulfill your desire to serve the world around you. Reflect the love that God gives us by serving. All generations pitch in.

Let’s Have Some Fun!
Want to have a good time with new friends? We enjoy picnics, butterflies in summer, train rides in the woods, and campouts. We enjoy indoor snowball fights, games, and each other’s company. We would love to hear your story, too, and enjoy some time together.
Some neighborhood events we already host are blessing pets, Vacation Bible School (VBS), and a Backpack blessing. New friends and new ideas are always exciting!
Other enjoyable moments together include home-cooked dinners, telling stories, skits at Christmas, and music all year long with traditional and contemporary music. We make a joyful noise together.

Our History
In the late 1950’s, the residential development explosion that began at the close of World War II was in full swing in north St. Louis County. Because of the population shift to the suburbs, it became necessary to establish new church homes for the many people moving into the area.
In order to help meet this need, the Board of Missions of the Western District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod extended a call to Pastor Arthur H. Strege to begin the work of organizing a congregation in north St. Louis County. Pastor Strege began his work in the Hazelwood area on July 1, 1958. He was commissioned as Missionary of the Western District in the Hazelwood area in a service held at the Lutheran Church of the Atonement, Florissant, on September 7, 1958.
The fledgling Hazelwood congregation’s first worship service was held on October 5, 1958, with 131 people in attendance. The text for Pastor Strege’s sermon was John 10: 14- 16, “I am the Good Shepherd…” from which the congregation later took its official name. The first worship services and Sunday School were held in the board meeting room of the Hazelwood Village Hall for a year and a half, moving to Russell School auditorium for the next year and a quarter.
Charter Membership Sunday was observed on February 9, 1959. A total of 73 communicants and 61 children were received into membership that day, the congregation’s first communion service. One year after the first church service, on October 4, 1959, Pastor Strege was installed as Pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd.
Work was underway on the first church building with the groundbreaking services held on Sunday, October 18, 1959. The cornerstone was laid on December 6, 1959. The congregation moved into its new building on June 4, 1961, and the dedication of the first unit was held on September 24, 1961. (See pictures below)